Dr. Oliver C. Caasi (right) is one of the faculty members of the College of Agriculture in PSU Sta. Maria Campus. He successfully completed his Ph.D. program in 2020 at the Graduate School of Horticulture Chiba University Matsudo Campus under the Japan MEXT Scholarship (Monbukagasho 2016-2020).

Mr. Rico A. Reyes, a faculty of the College of Teacher Education at Pangasinan State University, Bayamabang Campus. He is a recipient of the PSU Faculty Development International Scholarship and have successfully completed the Master of Arts in International Education major in Teaching and Learning at Namseoul University, South Korea. His scholarship is from August 2019 – August 2021
At present, Mr. Taberna is working with BFAR-CAR at Baguio City as Fishing Regulation Officer (FIRO) in Benguet Provice.