Flexible learning environment aims to optimize student engagement and collaboration without compromising the intended competency-based learning outcomes regardless of what instructional delivery mode will be used. The University’s flexible learning environment will consider the available resources and capability of both the teachers and the students for the delivery of the lessons, creation of tutorial class based on student performance, time spent for a subject and location on where and how the lessons will be delivered.
During the board meeting for the planning and implementation of Flexible Learning, Dr. Manolito C. Manuel, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Support Services along with the University officials have identified the key problem which is the gadget compatible for the use of LMS platforms particularly MS Teams.
As such, Hon. Elmer C. Vingua, President of the Federated Faculty Association proposed that a tablet be accorded to the faculty members with permanent status. In the same way, the Student Regent, Hon. Je-Ann De Vera also suggested that a tablet be granted to deserving students to empower them in learning during the New Normal.
“Overcoming the problems identified in the implementation of the Flexible Learning is our shared responsibility. And through the concerted efforts of all the offices and departments, we will manage to overcome all the challenges of Flexible Learning Modality,” said Dr. Manuel.
For this reason, after the bidding conducted by the university, with a total budget of 7.4 million pesos, nine hundred eleven (911) units of Lenovo tablets which are compatible to LMS platforms were purchased. Seven hundreds (700) of which will be distributed to Faculty members and the rest to deserving students of Pangasinan State University.
“In addition to the tablets that will be distributed to our deserving students, I am encouraging Faculty members to sponsor additional students by lending your own tablets to further encompass the solutions we have already started,” shared by Dr. Dexter R. Buted. Students are the stakeholders who are primarily engaged in the teaching-learning process. In this time of pandemic, the University will continuously provide various support to the students who are economically deprived. And so, flexible learning is learner-centered, encouraging greater independence and autonomy on the part of the learner. Its ethos is to enable and empower learners and give them greater control of their learning and become more self-directed. It increases choices available to both learners and teachers resulting in increasing efficiencies in delivery of education (PSU Echoes, Vol XX No.2).