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  5. PSU STEER Hub team benchmarks UPH Intern...

Navigating through PSU’s vision to become an industry –driven state university, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Environment Research (STEER) Hub Team carried out a benchmarking activity with the University of Perpetual Help (UPH) in its Molino Campus purposely to identify best practices in externally funded projects and explore potential partnerships.

The PSU delegation was led by STEER Hub Center Head Dr. Rhowel M. Dellosa with Mr. Leo Gabriel V. Villanueva, the Information Systems University Head, and the deans and department chairs of the College of Computing Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering, Science and Math from various campuses.

They was welcomed by Dr. Pastor R. Arguelles Jr., Dean of the College of Computer Studies of UPH, who expressed his appreciation to PSU for the visit as he emphasized the importance of creating linkages, forming relationships and sharing experiences for the betterment of educational institutions.

Consequently, Engr. Mariciel M. Teogangco, Dean of the College of Engineering, gave a discussion on the different projects of UPH, starting with the Internet of Things Laboratory, established in April 2023. He said the laboratory, which took one year to establish, was granted by the Department of Science and Technology and serves for Product Development Services (IoT Pods). IoT pods are usually applied to SMART Farming, SMART Building, Military Science, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Dr. John Robby R. Robiños, Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education, on the other hand, emphasized continuous faculty development and extension services for Education students.

PSU also shared its own best practices, such as externally funded projects (Fabrication Laboratory and the Solid Freeform Fabrication Research Laboratory) and research centers. Other topics of discussion include certification provider companies and research collaborations with UPH like the data science technology.

By the end of the open forum, both parties expressed their interest of having a Memorandum of Understanding for specific projects. A tour of the UPH facilities capped the visit.

















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