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In response to the call for global action on education and equitable access, Pangasinan State University (PSU) is taking a significant step forward by crafting a comprehensive admission policy that addresses the unique needs of marginalized students. This policy aims to foster inclusivity, diversity, and equal educational opportunities, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education. Furthermore, it seeks to contribute to other relevant SDGs, including SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality).

The proposed admission guidelines for marginalized students encompass a wide spectrum of individuals, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, out-of-school youth, marginalized women, and solo parents. To ensure that every prospective student is given a fair chance to access higher education, the policy outlines key components tailored to the needs of each group.

For persons with disabilities, PSU is committed to reserving admission slots in every program, promoting accessibility through the provision of necessary facilities and support services, and shifting the focus from standardized tests to specialized examinations that assess their potential and aptitude. This approach aligns directly with the principles of SDG 4, as it seeks to provide quality education for all, regardless of physical or cognitive differences.

In recognition of the unique challenges faced by indigenous peoples, the university will collaborate closely with these communities to identify eligible candidates, offer preparatory programs to bridge educational gaps, and incorporate indigenous cultural perspectives into the curriculum. This initiative not only supports the goal of quality education but also contributes to SDG 5 by promoting cultural sensitivity and preservation.

Out-of-school youth are often overlooked, and PSU acknowledges the importance of their inclusion. The proposed policy recognizes alternative learning experiences and skills acquired outside of traditional educational settings, establishing flexible admission criteria to consider life experiences and prior learning. Outreach programs will be launched to identify potential candidates and provide guidance on re-entering the education system, promoting both access to quality education (SDG 4) and poverty reduction (SDG 1).

Marginalized women and solo parents face unique challenges, often linked to gender inequality. The policy, therefore, includes gender-sensitive admission criteria, affordable on-campus childcare services, and scholarships or financial aid packages to support these groups. By doing so, PSU advances SDG 5 by creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for women and solo parents, allowing them to access higher education.

The alignment of PSU’s admission policy with UN Sustainable Development Goals goes beyond compliance; it represents a commitment to achieving a more equitable and inclusive educational system that empowers marginalized groups. By focusing on the principles of quality education, poverty reduction, gender equality, and social inclusion, PSU aims to impact the lives of many individuals who have been historically underrepresented in the higher education landscape. This policy demonstrates the university’s dedication to fostering a more just and sustainable future, setting a commendable example for institutions around the world.

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