1st Quarter REIGn Council Meeting

1st Quarter REIGn Council Meeting

The Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Innovation, and GAD (REIGn) convened its unit heads, coordinators, and center heads for the first quarter council meeting on February 10.The meeting, officiated by the REIGn OIC Vice-President Dr. Razeale...

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PSU officials gather updates on NBC orientation

PSU officials gather updates on NBC orientation

To keep abreast on the updates of various circulars promulgated by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Pangasinan State University officials, along with other representatives of State Universities and Colleges (SUCS) in Region I, participated in a one-day...

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More courses up for ETEEAP as RQAT visits PSU

More courses up for ETEEAP as RQAT visits PSU

The Pangasinan State University, bannering the slogan as the ‘Region’s Premier University of Choice,’ has broadened its quality education services through the offering of additional courses under the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program...

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PSUnians join hands for Brigada Unibersidad

PSUnians join hands for Brigada Unibersidad

Employees, students, various organizations and stakeholders shared their valuable time to Pangasinan State University to help in the cleanliness and orderliness of the nine Campuses in time for the opening of classes for the second semester Academic Year 2022-2023....

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First quarter University Academic Council meeting

First quarter University Academic Council meeting

The Office of the Vice-President for Academic and Students Affairs (OVPASA) held its first quarter University Academic Council meeting on February 13. The meeting was attended virtually through the ZOOM platform by the nine PSU campus executive directors including the...

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Laguna State Polytechnic University visits PSU

Laguna State Polytechnic University visits PSU

From the land of Pagsanjan Falls and buko pie, delegates of the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) paid a courtesy visit to the Pangasinan State University on February 15, 2023.PSU President Dr. Elbert M. Galas welcomed the 11 delegates from Laguna at his...

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OVPAL revisits process manuals; prepares for ROSS

OVPAL revisits process manuals; prepares for ROSS

The Office of the Vice-President for Administration and Linkages (OVPAL) convened the 10 offices under the Division for its second monthly meeting or ‘Kumustahan’ on February 7 to revisit the process manuals and gather updates. Dr. Dexter R. Buted, Vice-President of...

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403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden
