The University offers several scholarships for academically talented students, and financial grants sponsored by public and private organizations for poor and deserving students. Criteria and guidelines differ depending on the sponsoring agency.
Section 1. The Board of Regents (BOR) in its regular meeting held on December 11, 2009, CHED, Manila has approved the Comprehensive Scholarship Program for students under BOR Resolution No. 47 s. 2009. It offers the following scholarships:
Entrance Scholarship (For incoming freshman students)
- Full tuition waiver and a stipend of Php 1,500 for Valedictorian from recognized public or private secondary institutions for the first semester with GPA of not lower than 85, provided they come from graduating class of at least fifty (50) students.
- Half tuition waiver and stipend of Php 1,000 for Salutatorian from recognized public or private secondary institutions for the first semester with GPA of not lower than 85, provided they come from graduating class of fifty (50) students.
- Full tuition waiver for students who won in the R1AA, Batang Pinoy, Milo Olympics, Palarong Pambansa and PRISAA.
Note: Certification of the principal is required. (the approved class size is 50 as the total number of graduates only for valedictorians and salutatorians). For athletes, certificate of participation.
Academic Scholarship
- President’s Lister is given full tuition waiver in the immediate succeeding semester for students who obtained a GPA of 1.45 to 1.0 during the previous semester with no grade below 2.0. Only grades in the academic subjects (NSTP and PE not included) are included in the computation if weighted average.
- Dean’s Lister enjoys half tuition waiver in the immediate succeeding semester for students who obtained a GPA of 1.75 to 1.46 during the previous semester with no grade below 2.0. Only grades in the academic subjects (NSTP and PE not included) are included in the computation of weighted average.
- President’s and Dean’s listers are entitled to semestral stipend of Php 1,500.00 and Php 1,000.00, respectively effective S.Y. 2012-2013.
- SK officials, Barangay officials, and their legal dependents under RA 7160, section 393 are entitled to free tuition provided that a student should submit a Certification from DILG or Oath of Office.
Student Leader Scholarship
- Full tuition waiver for Editor-in-chief of official College Paper, after qualifying in a competitive examination for this purpose. The recipient should have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance rating after one (1) semester in the Office as rated by a Panel composed of the Campus Coordinator as Vice-Chair, College Paper Adviser, and two Senior Professors, one (1) in English and one (1) in Filipino as members. The recipient should be able to publish at least one (1) or two (2) issues (if college paper fund warrants) per semester and be able to circulate the same. (The recipient(s) can avail stipend depending on the availability of the organization’s fund and upon recommendation by the Panel for approval by the University President.)
- Full tuition waiver for the President of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) after proclamation by the COMELEC in a duly constituted election. The recipient should have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance rating after one (1) semester in the Office, as rated by a Panel composed of the Campus Executive Director as Chair, Student Services Coordinator as Vice-Chairman, SSC Adviser and two Senior Professors as members. (The recipient(s) can avail of stipend depending on the availability of the organization’s fund and upon recommendation by the Panel for approval by the University President.)
- Ladderized tuition waiver for all elected FSG officers: President (full); Vice President (three fourth), Auditor, Business Manager, P.R.0 and Representatives (half). The recipient should have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance rating after one (1) semester in the Office as rated by the University Panel composed of the Director for Student Services and Alumni Affairs as Chair, Deputy Director for Student Services & Alumni Affairs as Vice Chair, FSG Adviser, Chief Administrative Officers (Finance & Administration) as members. (The recipient(s) can avail of stipend depending on the availability of the organization’s fund and upon recommendation by the Panel for approval by the University President.)
- Ladderized tuition waiver for all elected and appointed SSC officers: President (full); Vice President (three fourth), Auditor, Business Manager, P.R.0 and Representatives and appointees (half). The recipient should have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance rating after one (1) semester in the Office as rated by a Panel composed of the Campus Executive Director as Chair, Student Services Coordinator as Vice-Chairman, SSC Adviser and two Senior Professors as members. (The recipient(s) can avail of stipend depending on the availability of the organization’s fund and upon recommendation by the Panel for approval by the University President.)
- Full tuition waiver for CMT Corps Commander. The recipient should have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance rating after one (1) semester in the Office as rated by a Panel composed of the Campus Executive Director as Chairman, CMT Commandant as Vice-Chair, Student Services Coordinator, NSTP Coordinator, and one Senior Faculty as members. (The recipient(s) can avail of stipend depending on the availability of NSTP fund and upon recommendation by the Panel for approval by the University President.)
Athletic/Musician/Cultural Scholarship
- Hundred percent tuition waiver and stipend of Php 2,000 for every semester for Gold Medalist/s in the Regional/National Meets with no failing grades (students enrolled in self-liquidating academic programs are included).
- Seventy-five percent tuition waiver and stipend of Php1,000.00 for every semester for Silver Medalist/s in Regional Meets with no failing grades (students enrolled in self-liquidating academic programs are included).
- Fifty percent tuition waiver for Bronze Medalist/s in Regional Meets with no failing grades (students enrolled in self-liquidating academic programs are included).
- Twenty-five percent tuition waiver for students who compete in the Regional SCUAA Meet.
- Ten percent tuition waiver for students who are qualified as University athletes, cultural members and performers. An athlete should present a certification duly signed by the coach.
Section 2. Private sponsored scholarships are enjoyed by students who meet the criteria set by the sponsoring individual organization. Students enjoy free tuition and in some cases, allowances, under the private sponsored scholarships.
Note: Recipients in every scholarship grants in the undergraduate level, except in the academic scholarship category should maintain a GPA of not lower than 2.50 and with no failing grades every semester (BOR Resolution NO.47 s.2009)
Section 3. As a matter of policies, cash incentives are given to students and graduates of the University with the following conditions and scheme:
- Winners in Academic, Scientific, Technological Skills, Art Competitions, Sports and other related Activities, the cash incentives are categorized as follows:
Regional Level
Individual Category Group Category
- First Place – P 2,000 First Place – P5,000
- Second place – P1,000 Second Place – P3,000
National Level
Individual Category Group Category
- First Place – P3,000 First Place – P7,000
- Second Place – P2,000 Second Place – P5,000
- Third Place – P1,000 Third Place – P3,000
Note: For group performance winners, cash prize will be given to the group and should be apportioned to the participating members. (BOR Resolution No.47 s. 2009)‘
- Winners in the Search for Ten Most Outstanding Students (National)
- Top 10 Placer – P5,000.00
- Finalist – P2,000.00
- Board Topnotchers and the Program Incentive Awards
For Graduate Awards:
Rank in the Board Exams | Incentive |
1st Place | 150,000.00 |
2nd Place to 5th Place | 100,000.00 |
6th Place to 10th Place | 80,000.00 |
For Program Awards:
Passing Rate for the Degree Program | Proposed Incentive |
10%-19% above the national passing percentage | 10,000.00 |
20%-29% above the national passing percentage | 20,000.00 |
30%-39% above the national passing percentage | 30,000.00 |
40%-49% above the national passing percentage | 40,000.00 |
50% or more above the national passing percentage | 50,000.00 |
Process in Claiming Cash Incentive:M\
- Appropriate communication should be made to the Office of Vice President for Academic and Research regarding the awardees’ intent to avail of said incentive.
- The cash incentive will be awarded during the graduation ceremonies in the school year the board result was released.
Section 4. The Student Financial Assistance Program (STUFAP) shall cater to the financially needy 3rd year, 4th year and graduating students. The student loan can be used for tuition and other fees, books and course projects, thesis writing, board and lodging, graduation fees and other valid educational expenses. Qualified borrowers may be allowed to borrow a maximum of P 8,000 covering the above- mentioned purposes.
Qualified students who wish to avail of the student loan may apply at the Office of the Coordinator for Student Services in the campus he/she is enrolled in.

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